On climate crisis – 30 days of comics 2019
30 daily comics about climate crisis

Text: My love, where will we live? And what will we eat? When the sea rises to the window? Illustration: A woman lies in bed gazing at her sleeping partner. A candle in a dark room burns down.

Text: Any health we have, we have in common. Image: A circle is split into four parts: A sun shining on a garden growing squash, a green hill, a moon seen through a window

Text: Any sickness we have, we have in common. Image: A circle is split into four parts: A big red sun, a hill burning with forest fire, a waning moon above rising ocean waters

Text: How heavy, the deep water. How sweet, the hope. Image: The moon is gradually obscured by dark, rising waters. Then it is revealed, standing stark in a bright blue sky.

Text: The problem of the climate crisis is a failure of language. The right word would be as long as the whole world. Image: Oak tree in Summer, full of bright green leaves and acorns

Text: The right word would be as long as the lives of my grandchildren. And their grandchildren. Image: Oak tree in Autumn, mostly without leaves. A single acorn drops.

Text: Brother sun, sister moon, sister heavens: What do you have to say? Image: Starry sky at night, with a full moon. In parallel: Blue sky at sunset, with a full, yellow sun.

Text: What is "the environment" except my body, and your body, and the breath between us? Image: A wheat field blows in the wind. A yellow sun bakes down on a dry, brown valley.

Text: I will protect it with my life. Image: Small yellow sun surrounded by thousands of rays of light

Text: Have you heard the humming at the heart of everything? There is nothing here that is not sacred. Image: A candle, a jar of flowers, a street scene with a streetlamp, glowing window, and moon.

Text: At the end of the day, we will all rest. Finally. Truly. Image: A room gradually darkens as day turns to night. Sunset outside a single window. A candle is lit on a table.

Text: The song at the heart of everything. Image: Round sun shines over green hills; a round moon in a starry sky shines over dark hills.
Text: What do we owe to the powerful who lied for decades? Image: A dark figure sits behind a large desk. Spots of shining oil fall and fill the screen.
Text: What do we owe to our children's children? Image: A red sun rises. A delicate flower. A child sleeps.

Text: Can you imagine the community that will heal the climate crisis? It will not be just you. It will not be a technological salvation. It will be all of us.

Text: Can you imagine all of us, trusting each other, working together for our common home? Image: a fruiting citrus tree